being grounded
Virginia May Hank— Oh, whoops. Heard my mums voice there for a minute when I heard the word grounded. Not that I was the type of kid that...

the daily haystack
Let me tell you a bit about how some days go for me, Virginia Hankins. Some days, I wake up at whatever strange time, wherever my strange...

in good company
I was talking to my other flight attendant in the back of our galley at midnight last night, flying somewhere over Nowhere, OR. "You...

the unsteadiness of limbo
You know the term "taking a gap year"? They're most common directly after high school or college--where people take a year to do their...

ground school newbies 101
There are few things in life that completely and utterly terrify me...okay, actually that's probably not true. Tons of things scare me;...

five years time
A teacher of mine in High School, Mr. Davis my Creative Writing teacher, had us write letters to ourselves for five years after high...

five years time
A teacher of mine in High School, Mr. Davis my Creative Writing teacher, had us write letters to ourselves for five years after high...

did I sign up for this?
A little over six months on the job and you learn that this job isn't just a job, but this massive lifestyle change that effects every...

choices & contemplation
There is a time in every job, and in every day, that you have a choice. Your choice is simple to the eye, but sometimes hard in actual...

flight | fr•am•il•y |
Framily is a word that I created, long ago, to call those friends that are known to be so close that we are family...leading to the all...