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love is never stationary

I've been sitting in a coffee shop, one that I know better than the back of my hand, for the past four hours. I've accumulated three coffee cups, two water refills, a gluten free muffin and several hellos from people I used to know. I've been sitting here, drinking coffee, chatting with old and new friends, as I thumb through the pages of one of my most favorite books; Love Does by Bob Goff.

As I flit through the well worn pages of a book that has been loved into the coffee stained pages I adore, I see my chicken scratch notes, many highlights, and several exclamations marks in disbelief at Mr. Goff's stories and humor. His book is full of whimsical words that make your heart soar with inspiration and aspiration for the adventures and love he echoes in his life stories; all of which will either have you in tears of joy, stitches of laughter or pure shock that any of his life could possibly be real.

I've been re-reading this for the fifteenth time as I sit in my favorite coffee shop, in my twin bed at my parents home, in the park by the water in Manette and over a glass of wine on a beautiful deck this past week. This past week I've had the biggest treasure of being home. Not home in San Diego. Not home, waiting to get called out for a trip in LA. But 100%, purely, exquisitely home in the Pacific Northwest. The trip caught me by surprise but has been one of absolute refreshment, joy and full of family.

This trip has reminded me of the simple pleasures that life gives us every day; the aroma of coffee in the wee hours of morning, vibrant colors in flowers at Pikes Place, the embrace of a true friends hug, or your favorite hymn at church on Sunday morning. This trip has also reminded me that there are certain things that shouldn't be taken for granted; a growing babies first words, late night laughter with family in the kitchen, a friend walking down the aisle to meet their best friend.

This past week I got the honor of seeing two close to my heart friends proclaim their love for one another, see their firm foundation, seethe beauty and appreciation they share for one another. Their ceremony, and just their remarkable way of being, reminded me of the premise of Love Does, which is, love just does. I have talked to both of my friends about how they fell in love with each other, and on both accounts words such as "unexpected" and "surprised" came up in each story. I think God does this with love; love for one another, a love for our work, a love for people around us, a love for a mission. The best things in our life are typically the things that we had no plans for, in my experience and apparently for Bob Goff as well.

Sitting, 1,500 miles away from my home I am reminded that "love is never stationary. In the end, love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does”. For me, love is never stationary quite literally. I am always moving, always flying, always going somewhere. But I've been reminded this last week that love isn't planned, love isn't stationary in one place; rather love travels with us who carry it and live by it, and give it freely. By loving moments, loving others, loving places or loving adventures well, we stumble upon things that are not our own plan, but sometimes that's even better.


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